Rob Hawley's Pages Almaden Observatory Main Page


Nebula are particularly interesting targets for the observatory since you can use narrowband filters which eliminate the effects of the local light pollution (and moon).

Click on the title to display the information page for that Nebula.

Messier Objects
M42 HDR in Halpha

NGC Objects
NGC 281 Pacman
NGC 6995 etal Veil in Color
NGC 6995 Veil Entire in H alpha
NGC 6888 Crescent
IC Objects
IC 434 B-33 HorseHead

Messier Objects



Orion's Nebula - HDR Hydrogen alpha Monochrome
2011 02 28

These are the first shots with the FSQ 106 and the narrowband filters.  I had not finished alignment or PEC calibration, but after almost a month of crummy skies I wanted to see what the equipment could do.

The image on the left is a combination of 60, 120, 420, 600, 720, and 1200 sec exposures.  Unfortunately I did not take enough subexposures to perform noise reduction at most intervals and there is some RA movement in the image at high resolution. Still not a bad first attempt.  Thanks to Rogelio for some helpful suggestions.

I also shot some photos with the other filters.  The image in NIR_Lum is the best. This is a single 600s shot that was stretched but not otherwise processed.

NGC Objects

NGC 281

NGC 281

Pacman Nebula

Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur

Aug - Oct 2011

A complex nebula in Cassiopeia.  For more information see here

NGC 2024 Flame

see IC 434 below

Veil in NHO

NGC 6995 Veil in Color

Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
June - September 2011

This image covers most of the bright sections of the Veil.  Be sure to use the Zoomify image so you can see the amount of detail in the image.

In this false color image uses the NHO palette

R = Nitrogen
G = Hydrogen Alpha
B = Oxygen III

veil mosaic

NGC 6995 Veil Mosaic in Hydrogen alpha

Hydrogen Alpha
June-August 2011

The Veil is the classic supernova remnant in Cygnus. The veil page allows you to zoom in and see the rich detail in the nebula.

The mosaic required more than 40 hours of data (some with a full moon!). 

NGC 6888

NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula

Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen

Aug-November 2011

I got interested in this Nebula after reading about it on the TAC-Imaging list.  This is an excellent narrowband target.  It strongly emits in Hydrogen, but the N and O add texture.  Different color assignments show different details

IC Objects


IC 434 /B33 Horsehead Area


October-November 2011

This was a reshoot of a project from last year.  The difference in quality that the FSQ 106 brings was obvious.

Copyrights for Photos

Creative Commons License

Except as noted, all work on this site
by Robert J. Hawley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. This permits the non commercial use of the material on this site, either in whole or in part, in other works provided that I am credited for the work.