C/2009 P1 Garradd
2011 and Feb 2012
I caught this periodic comet twice. Both
were stacked using "comet mode" in DSS and then processed with PixInsight.
Feb 5 2012
The February picture clearly shows two tails. One at 2 o'clock and the
other at 8 o'clock. Unfortunately weather prevented me from capturing
the comet passing M 92 which occurred 2 nights prior to this image. M
92 is just out of frame in these images. This consist of 14 images of 240
seconds each
The two images below were obtained using the same data and varying the
processing technique. In the left image the background stars are
preserved. That creates a pretty picture, but the fine details of the
comet are blurred. In the right picture the registration is centered
on the comet. This improves the S/N ratio of the dimmer portions
allowing the two tails to stand out.


Feb 5 2012
Image preserving stars
Feb 5 2012 centered on Comet
September 2011
Only one tail was visible at this time.

page describes the orbit of the comet.
for Photos